Selasa, 25 November 2014

Lonely? I'm sure I'm Not

Hi, guys! Firstly, I want to say sorry to my lecturer because this post is a rather late to posting because actually it would post two weeks ago but I forgot to do that.
Now, I want to share my summary after listening How Loneliness Can Infect Social Networks. This is a good information for all people who have the problems with social things. I listened from
I got something important about loneliness here. In fact, we can feel lonely if our close friend gets busy. Loneliness can be categorized as health disease. Usually woman more easily gets lonely than the man. This is like influenza, if a lonely person feel lonely, then her/his friend will feel it too. Loneliness can also make someone become less trusted with the others. John Cacioppo, the findings in University of Chicago said that it is important to recognize and deal with loneliness. He said people who have infected with loneliness should get help to repair it. If not, they will always get problem with social networks.

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